

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

To use IPTV, you need an internet connection and a device that supports IPTV, such as a specific IPTV box, a smart TV with IPTV functionality or a computer with the appropriate software. In addition, you need a subscription to or access to an IPTVSERVICES.

IF you have problems with your IPTVSERVICES, it may be due to several factors, such as the speed of your internet connection, the configuration of your IPTV box or problems with the service provider. You should contact your service provider or check the settings on your equipment.

IPTV stands for "Internet Protocol Television" and is a technology for delivering TV content over the internet. Netflix is a streaming service in its own right and is not part of traditional IPTV services. However, many modern TVs and IPTV boxes have apps that can run Netflix, so in practice you can watch Netflix through an IPTV box if it supports the Netflix app.

IPTV has become increasingly popular in  recent years. Several large ISPs and telecom companies offer IPTVSERVICES to their customers. If you want up-to-date figures, I recommend checking with a current source such as Statistics or a telecom industry organization.